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About Our


Girl Wink_Red Lettering

Step into the soulful world of QruQloth, a small business with a big heart. We’re not just about selling Goods and Textiles; we’re here to infuse your day with a burst of positivity and inspiration. Explore our thoughtfully curated collection of unique products adorned with beautiful artwork and uplifting quotes. Each item is designed to give your day and those around you an instant boost of joy and positivity.

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Step right into the vibrant world of QruGURLZ! 🎉 

Meet Sarai, the free-spirited architect of her destiny, marching to the beat of her unique drum. 

Meet Emi, the dazzling firecracker of the group, embodying sass, outspoken wit, and unapologetic intelligence.

Meet Yuki, the enchanting blend of soft-spoken charm, infectious humor, and boundless caring.

Meet Stormi, a flame-haired force with freckles and an attitude that demands attention.

Unique and confident as individuals; loyal and formidable as friends.


Hello! I'm Miz Bizness

Hello! I'm Miz Bizness

Our Story 

Embarking on this journey, our aim was to provide a daily source of inspiration and empowerment for women through captivating artwork and thoughtful engagement. The concept of a planner and calendar emerged, meticulously crafted with diversity and beauty on every page. Miz Bizness serves as a compass, guiding us toward our daily objectives and personal goals. Her mantra echoes a powerful reminder: “Be kind, be patient, and above all, love yourself.”